Airclaim.com is a leading company in the management of flight delay, cancellation and overbooking claims since 2018. Founded in 2017, AirClaim has grown to be listed on the BSE with positive growth. Having a business dependent on online, Touch Media redid the old website and migrated from WordPress to Laravel and Laravel Livewire.
Core-ul website-ului il reprezinta formularul de despagubire, acesta fiind integrat cu un CRM care organizeaza infomatia, sorteaza LEAD-urile si le trimite mai departe prin API catre Zoho CRM. Formularul este gandit astfel incat sa salveze lead-uri partiale, finale si este principalul instrument de marketing si vanzare.

Next are developments in the area of CRM automation, independence from third party systems and the development of the website in most European countries. Thus, AirClaim aims to become a leader on the European market as well.
Technologies and Services: Design, UI/UX, HTML/CSS, Laravel, Livewire, PHP, MySQL, email marketing, social marketing, branding, SEO, Mobile apps